Jeff and Kelly Engagement

The place where we took the photos is special to Kelly & Jeff…and that’s why Jeff was planning on proposing there…I’ll let Kelly tell the story of how it actually happened, but first let’s take a look at some photos.



Yep, it’s awesome!!

Even though they look like  models for a Calvin Kline ad, they are soo sweet and down to earth.



So here’s how it all went down when Jeff decided to pop the question…

“One day we went to a park where we take Max for walks and Jeff was walking ahead of me. I kept trying to walk beside him and he’d speed up a bit or lag behind. Then I saw him pick a flower which was funny because it was soooooooo not like Jeff so I caught up to him and laughed asking what he was doing? He discarded the flower and said nothing. Then we were coming up on a picnic table and he asked if I wanted to sit down for a while. I was confused and said sure, why? He said forget it and we went home.
The next day I came home and he’d cooked a spectacular dinner and we ate by candlelight on the back porch. We were out there drinking and talking till pretty late and he said how his hands were getting cold. I agreed and said mine too. He stood next to me and said “Here put your hands in my pockets – they’re really warm.” I thought this was really strange, but still I had no idea. I put my hands in his sweatshirt pockets while laughing at him and found a box! The rest is history, but he explained to me how he’d been trying for a week to propose. He said at the park he was trying to tie the ring to a flower, and then to propose at the picnic table. “


Jeff finally got to tie the ring to the flower, and will marry the girl of his dreams…I LOVE a happy ending!!  But we still have some cool photos to share 🙂






After the park we went to their house so Max could be included in the photos…he’s quite the looker too, and very well behaved!



His expression cracks me up. I wonder what he’s thinking ?

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Hilda Burke