Rebecca and Tyler, Chicago Engagement Session

I met up with two lovebirds in Chicago…With no specific locations to shoot, we just went for a walk. These are my favorite kinds of shoots just winging it and discovering treasures around the neighborhood. Rebecca and Tyler are super good sports, no hesitation at all about sitting on the ground to give me my red fix 😉

A wider shot of the same spot, I love the two pairs of feet on either side of them.

And speaking of feet…love this shot!

I love finding random murals in the City….all within a few blocks of each other.


This is one of my faves!

How perfect is that little heart on her sweater?


Yes, they are pretty cute…

….and completely hysterical. Since they met at a Halloween party, and we did  the photo shoot just before Halloween, they were all up for this idea. Thanks for trusting me!


Hilda Burke Chicago IL Photographer